Remington ,   Caliber:  12 Gauge 3"
REM MAG TRKY CP 12GA 3IN 2OZ 5 5/100 Remington Magnum Turkey, 12 Gauge 3", #5, 2oz, Copper, 5 Rounds Per Box 26803
REM MAG TRKY CP 12GA 3IN 2OZ 5 5/100
Model:Magnum Turkey ,  Weight (oz):  13
Remington Magnum Turkey, 12 Gauge 3", #5, 2oz, Copper, 5 Rounds Per Box 26803
 CTN   (3) 
 SSO   (1) 
UPC: 47700528601
Magazines ASC 4.50" 6.8mmSPC AR15 6.8 SS 10RD 10/25 EXT GRY GEN2 FLWR
Caliber:6.8mm SPC
AR15 6.8 SS 10RD 10/25 EXT GRY GEN2 FLWR
UPC: 818805010939
Scope Mounts Warne Scope Mounts ZPAP M85 WAR VAPOR SCOPE LEVEL 30MM
Model:ZPAP M85
Vapor Lightweight Scope Level attaches directly onto your scope tube to keep the scope reticle consistently level. Keeping the scope reticle consistently level is critical as target distances increase. Warne’s new Vapor Lightweight Scope Level allows shooters to easily keep the reticle level without changing their position on the rifle. Easily attaches to your scope tube for right or left-hand configurations. - Our recommended installation is in front of your turret assembly on the weak-eye side; in this configuration the bubble seems to float near your reticle when used with both eyes open. - Easy to install - Field proven performance - Lightweight aluminum - Lifetime warranty - Designed and Made in USA - Finish Color: Matte Black - Weight: .68 oz - Material: Aluminum - Scope Tube Diameter: 30mm - Fits: 30mm scope tubes
UPC: 656813113927
Electronics MOJO Outdoors Ready Series MOJO Wind Dove Decoy
Model:Ready Series
MOJO Wind Dove Motion Decoy
Ask for quote
UPC: 816740002019
Model:Ready Series
DeSantis V84 Dragonfly Holster for most Large Auto Loaders Black Ambi
Ask for quote
UPC: 792695311690
Ammunition Berger Bullets Ready Series 260Rem 260 Remington 130gr Hybrid OTM Tactical Match Grade Ammunition  20 RNDS
Caliber:260 Rem
260 Remington 130gr Hybrid OTM Tactical Match Grade Ammunition 20 RNDS
Ask for quote
UPC: 679459300209
Scope Mounts Weaver Grand Slam WEAVER GRAND SLAM RNG 30MM HGH MATTE
Model:Grand Slam
Weaver Grand Slam, Ring, 30mm High, Matte, Picatinny 4930930mm High Clam Pack Packaging • Finish: Black • 15in Free-Float MLOK Rail/ Ambi Bolt Release
UPC: 76683493095
Poway Weapons" & Gear being a FFL gun dealer in San Diego, California offers for sale guns and ammunition along with accessories and parts by top brands.
Handguns, rifles, ammo, magazines, holsters, scopes, knives & tools, popular AR-15 items, police equipment and military supplies and much more. We are Certified San Diego DuraCoat Firearms Finish specialists.
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