Southern Bloomer
SBC 115  6MM CAL PATCHES         200 CT Southern Bloomer 115 Cleaning Patches  6mm Cotton 200 Per Pack
Model: ,  Weight (oz):  
Southern Bloomer 115 Cleaning Patches 6mm Cotton 200 Per Pack   •   SBC 115 6MM CAL PATCHES 200 CT
 CTN   (19) 
 SSO   (19) 
UPC: 25641001155
Misc. Accessories Traditions Ready Series Traditions Round Handle Ball Starter - (wood and brass)
Model:Ready Series
Traditions Round Handle Ball Starter for Muzzleloader
UPC: 40589120706
Misc. Accessories RCBS Ready Series RC LITTLE DANDY POW ROTOR 11
Model:Ready Series
RCBS Little Dandy Powder Rotor #11
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UPC: 76683860118
Misc. Accessories RCBS Ready Series RC ROTARY CS/TRIMR PILOT .20
Model:Ready Series
RCBS Rotary Case Trimmer Pilot .20 cal
UPC: 76683093769
Cleaning Equipment Tipton ZPAP M70 TIPTON PATCH TRAP
Model:ZPAP M70
Cleaning the barrel on your rifle shotgun or muzzleloader can be a messy choir. Solvent splatter drips and dirty patches always seem to end up where you don’t want them. Strong solvents and powder residue can stain clothes and work surfaces. The Tipton Patch Trap puts an end to the mess. Its simple: - 1) Attach the patch trap to the muzzle of any gun - 2) Screw an empty water or soda bottle into the threaded end - 3) Dirty patches and solvent are safely and cleanly contained - 4) Dispose of used bottle - No more mess.
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UPC: 661120778905
Handguns Taylor’s&Co 4.75" 45ACP TAY 555152   1873 CTTLMN BRDSHD      45LC  4.75
Caliber:45 ACP
Taylors & Company 555152 1873 Cattleman 45 Colt (LC) 6rd 4.75" Blued Cylinder & Barrel Color Case Hardened Steel Frame Checkered Birdshead Walnut Grip
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UPC: 839665000212
Ammunition Remington 1 1/8 oz 12Gauge REM 20803 NS12HVS4 NITRO  12 2.75 4  ST 11/8 25/10
Caliber:12 Gauge
Remington Ammunition 20803 Nitro-Steel High Velocity 12Gauge 2.75" 1 1/8oz 4Shot 25 Per Box/10 Case
UPC: 47700342009
Poway Weapons" & Gear being a FFL gun dealer in San Diego, California offers for sale guns and ammunition along with accessories and parts by top brands.
Handguns, rifles, ammo, magazines, holsters, scopes, knives & tools, popular AR-15 items, police equipment and military supplies and much more. We are Certified San Diego DuraCoat Firearms Finish specialists.
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