SUREFIRE BORE ALIGNMENT ROD TO CHECK 7.62 CAL The SureFire Bore Rods are intended for concentricity check prior to firing suppressed on a new platform. The rod most closely represents the bullet flight path and will show any issue of alignment if present. Recommended to verify barrel to adapter to suppressor alignment for any new build or any previously unshot setup. Choose the corresponding rod for your caliber rifle or carbine. - Precision machined rods for most accurate verification - For validation of set-up prior to first round fired - Specific caliber rods for the most popular options on the market today. - Simply insert rod through the mounted suppressor of an unloaded weapon. Equal space should be seen between bore of suppressor and centered rod. - Made in the USA
Model:ZPAP M85 ,  Weight (oz):  
The SureFire Bore Rods are intended for concentricity check prior to firing suppressed on a new platform. The rod most closely represents the bullet flight path and will show any issue of alignment if present. Recommended to verify barrel to adapter to suppressor alignment for any new build or any previously unshot setup. Choose the corresponding rod for your caliber rifle or carbine. - Precision machined rods for most accurate verification - For validation of set-up prior to first round fired - Specific caliber rods for the most popular options on the market today. - Simply insert rod through the mounted suppressor of an unloaded weapon. Equal space should be seen between bore of suppressor and centered rod. - Made in the USA
 BHC   (3) 
UPC: 84871325882
Misc. Accessories Lee Precision Ready Series LEE INLINE BULLET FEED KIT 40CAL
Model:Ready Series
Lee Inline Bullet Feed Kit .40 cal
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UPC: 734307920081
Misc. Accessories Lee Precision Ready Series LEE RELOAD KIT 45/70 GOVERNMENT
Model:Ready Series
Lee Classic Loader .45-70 Gov’t
Ask for quote
UPC: 734307902643
Misc. Accessories Traditions Revolver Shooter’s Kit TRA REVOLVER SHOOTERS KIT
Model:Revolver Shooter’s Kit
• Powder Flask/ Adj. Powder Measure/ Wonder Wads
UPC: 40589315003
Targets Do All Ready Series Do All Impact Seal Chicken and Egg Stacked Spinning Target
Model:Ready Series
Do All Outdoors Impact Seal Chicken and Egg Stacked Spinning Target
Ask for quote
UPC: 850022469428
Handguns Taylor’s&Co 5" 38Special TAY 550681   SECOND MODEL SCHOFIELD  38SP  5
Caliber:38 Special
Taylors & Company 550681 Second Model Schofield 38 Special Caliber with 5" Barrel, 6rd Capacity Cylinder, Overall Blued Finish Steel & Walnut Grip
UPC: 839665007686
Ammunition CCI Ready Series CCI #550 MAG SMALL PISTOL PRIMER 1000CT
Model:Ready Series
CCI Standard Primers #550 Magnum Small Pistol 1000/ct
UPC: 76683500182
Poway Weapons" & Gear being a FFL gun dealer in San Diego, California offers for sale guns and ammunition along with accessories and parts by top brands.
Handguns, rifles, ammo, magazines, holsters, scopes, knives & tools, popular AR-15 items, police equipment and military supplies and much more. We are Certified San Diego DuraCoat Firearms Finish specialists.
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