Fierce Firearms ,   Caliber:  300 PRC
CF ROGUE 300PRC GL/PTM 22" • ROG300PRC22GP Adustable BIX’N ANDY Trigger Integral Bi-Pod Rail Spiral Fluted Bolt • Bolt Action • Capacity: 3 + 1 • Finish: Glacier Cerakote • Barrel length: 22" C3 Carbon Barrel • Overall length: 43.625" • 15in Free-Float MLOK Rail/ Ambi Bolt Release
Model:Carbon Rogue ,  Weight (oz):  6
Adustable BIX’N ANDY Trigger Integral Bi-Pod Rail Spiral Fluted Bolt • Bolt Action • Capacity: 3 + 1 • Finish: Glacier Cerakote • Barrel length: 22" C3 Carbon Barrel • Overall length: 43.625" • 15in Free-Float MLOK Rail/ Ambi Bolt Release
 LIP   (5) 
UPC: 853418900420
Scope Mounts Talley Manufacturing Ready Series 30MM ALLOY LOW R&B COMBO SAVAGE
Model:Ready Series
Talley Lightweight Alloy Scope Mounts - Black Anodized - 30mm - Low Ruger American Savage w/Accutrigger Steven 200 Stiller Predator TC Venture
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UPC: 876430007021
Misc. Accessories Outdoor Connection Ready Series PICATINNY RAIL EXT W/STD CONNECTOR
Model:Ready Series
Outdoor Connection Picatinny Rail Extension with Standard Connector
Ask for quote
UPC: 617867131992
Grips Pads Stocks Hogue Ready Series STOCK M98 MAUSER W/FULL BED BLOC
Model:Ready Series
Full Bed Block Stock
UPC: 743108980026
Safety Protection Pyramex PYRA VGSGM1410T  SEMTEX 2 GUN METAL FRAME/CLR A-F
Pyramex VGSGM1410T Semtex 2.0 Glasses Clear Lens Anti-Fog Gun Metal Frame
UPC: 810170030253
Cleaning Equipment Lyman LYM 2948  BUTCHS BENCH REST OIL 4OZ
Butchs 2948 Bench Rest Gun Oil 4 oz Squeeze Bottle
UPC: 44717024959
Ammunition Winchester Ammunition Rimfire 22LR WIN TALO 22LR 36GR PHP 222/2220
Caliber:22 LR
Winchester Ammunition Rimfire, 22 LR, 36Gr, Plated HollowPoint, 222, 2220 22LR222TA
UPC: 20892105065
Poway Weapons" & Gear being a FFL gun dealer in San Diego, California offers for sale guns and ammunition along with accessories and parts by top brands.
Handguns, rifles, ammo, magazines, holsters, scopes, knives & tools, popular AR-15 items, police equipment and military supplies and much more. We are Certified San Diego DuraCoat Firearms Finish specialists.
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