Legend Outdoor Gear
LEGEND CHIMERA TAC PISTOL CS GRY Legend Outdoor Gear Chimera Tactical Pistol Case, Polyester Construction, Stealth Gray CMA500-SG
Model:Chimera ,  Weight (oz):  41
Legend Outdoor Gear Chimera Tactical Pistol Case, Polyester Construction, Stealth Gray CMA500-SG
 RSR   (48) 
UPC: 810071611155
Ammunition Winchester Ammunition Ready Series 223Rem 223 REM. 55GR VARMINT-X 20RD
Caliber:223 Rem
Winchester Varmint X Rifle Ammunition .223 Rem 55 gr. PT 3240 fps 20/ct
UPC: 20892219977
Misc. Accessories Redding Reloading Equipment Ready Series BODY DIE 25-06 REMINGTON
Model:Ready Series
Redding Body Die .25-06 Rem
Ask for quote
UPC: 611760751202
Cleaning Equipment Hoppe’s Ready Series Boresnake w/ CLP Cleaning Kit .22/.223 Rifle Clam
Model:Ready Series
Hoppe’s Boresnake CLP 5.56mm Rifle Kit .22/.223 Cal
UPC: 26285002652
Targets Do All Ready Series .22 SINGLE SPINNER
Model:Ready Series
Do-All Outdoors .22 Single Spinner
UPC: 649898142951
Ammunition CCI   Speer 484 ft lbs 40SW SPEER 53955 LAWMAN    40S      165 TMJ       50/20
Caliber:40 SW
Speer 53955 Lawman 40S&W 165gr Total Metal Jacket Flat Nose 50 Per Box/20 Case
UPC: 76683539557
Scope Mounts Weaver 4 Hole Tactical Ring WEAVER 4-HOLE TACT RNG 30MM HI MATTE
Model:4 Hole Tactical Ring
Weaver 4 Hole Tactical, 30mm High Rings, Fits Picatinny, Matte Finish, Black 48366
UPC: 76683483669
Poway Weapons" & Gear being a FFL gun dealer in San Diego, California offers for sale guns and ammunition along with accessories and parts by top brands.
Handguns, rifles, ammo, magazines, holsters, scopes, knives & tools, popular AR-15 items, police equipment and military supplies and much more. We are Certified San Diego DuraCoat Firearms Finish specialists.
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