Legend Outdoor Gear
LEGEND PEGASUS MINI RANGE BAG BLUE Legend Outdoor Gear Pegasus Mini Range Bag, Polyester Construction, 12"x7"x8.5", Midnight Blue PEG700-MB
Model:Pegasus ,  Weight (oz):  50
Legend Outdoor Gear Pegasus Mini Range Bag, Polyester Construction, 12"x7"x8.5", Midnight Blue PEG700-MB
 RSR   (49) 
UPC: 810071611063
Scope Mounts Warne Scope Mounts ZPAP M85 WAR VAPOR SCOPE LEVEL 34MM
Model:ZPAP M85
Vapor Lightweight Scope Level attaches directly onto your scope tube to keep the scope reticle consistently level. Keeping the scope reticle consistently level is critical as target distances increase Warne’s new Vapor Lightweight Scope Level allows shooters to easily keep the reticle level without changing their position on the rifle. Easily attaches to your scope tube for right or left-hand configurations. - Our recommended installation is in front of your turret assembly on the weak-eye side; in this configuration the bubble seems to float near your reticle when used with both eyes open. - Easy to install - Field proven performance - Lightweight aluminum - Lifetime warranty - Designed and Made in USA - Finish Color: - Matte Black - Weight: .74 oz - Material: Aluminum - Scope Tube Diameter: 34mm - Fits: 34mm scope tubes
UPC: 656813113934
Cleaning Equipment Traditions ZPAP M85 TRAD COTTON BORE SWAB 45CAL
Model:ZPAP M85
Handy for bench and field cleaning. Cotton swab cleans and oils. Threaded for all Traditions and similar ramrods. 10/32 threaded. For .45 cal.
UPC: 40589152202
Sights Lasers AmeriGlo Ready Series 4XL Tall Green Tritium LumiGreen Outline .385in front FlatBlack .480in Rear
Model:Ready Series
Ameriglo 4XL Tritium Night Sight Set for Glock Green with Green Outline Front Black Back
UPC: 644406913016
Misc. Accessories Hornady 6 Pack HORN 060008  DECAP PIN LARGE 6PK
Model:6 Pack
Hornady 060008 Universal Decapping Pins Stainless Steel 6Pk
Ask for quote
UPC: 90255600087
Rifles Long Guns Browning Citori 725 Sporting Left Hand 12Gauge CITORI 725 SPTG LH 12/30 3"  # • LEFT HANDED MODEL/PORTED BBL’S
Caliber:12 Gauge
Ported Barrels Mechanical FireLite Trigger Invector-DS Extended Chokes • Action: Over / Under • Capacity: 2 • Finish: Polished Blued • Sights: HiViz Pro-Comp Sight • Barrel length: 30" • Overall length: 48" • 15in Free-Float MLOK Rail/ Ambi Bolt Release
UPC: 23614398370
Parts Shield Arms +5/+4 Magazine Extension SHIELD MAG EXT +5/4 FOR GLK19/23 RED
Model:+5/+4 Magazine Extension
Shield Arms +5/+4 Magazine Extension, Aluminum, Anodized Finish, Red, Fits Glock 19/23 G19-ME-5-RED
UPC: 853465008216
Poway Weapons" & Gear being a FFL gun dealer in San Diego, California offers for sale guns and ammunition along with accessories and parts by top brands.
Handguns, rifles, ammo, magazines, holsters, scopes, knives & tools, popular AR-15 items, police equipment and military supplies and much more. We are Certified San Diego DuraCoat Firearms Finish specialists.
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